Along the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Arizona, this 1930s home, made of mud and wood, began as a simple square room with an outdoor cooking kitchen. Over time, the home expanded incrementally, one room at a time, growing into a square grid of four rooms: a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Situated on the bank of the river just outside the historic barrios, the neighborhood was once farmland. Today, the home stands at the crossroads of an agrarian past and a modern present.
Adobe bricks were made and dried in the yard, plaster was crafted from sand and lime, and a light touch was applied to preserve the home’s historical character. While modern updates were added, such as a kitchen, it was placed in a way that feels almost detached from the original structure. One wall section, shaped like an “L,” was built to create a new bathroom, closet, and bedroom, separate from the rest of the house. This wall houses all the utilities and central air, allowing the original adobe walls and ceiling to be restored but essentially unmodified.